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Tom Collier


I was first certified way back in 1979 when you wore jeans and a T-shirt for a dive skin.  Kay and I dove with the Houston crowd for several years until we became under-funded parents and gave up the sport for more pressing matters.  In 2001 Ken K gave a HUC presentation on the Olympus digital camera for u/w use.  That presentation supercharged my passion for diving and I became re-engaged in the sport.  In my quest to learn more about u/w photography I joined HUPS in 2003.  I was totally amazed by the commitment of the HUPS members to share their knowledge of photography.  I had never been involved with photography of any kind until that first Olympus digital camera so the wealth of experience offered up by HUPS was an invitation that I could not resist. 


Before long I became involved in the club activities and the more I learned – the more I wanted to participate.  Since joining HUPS, I have been involved in workshops, presentations, dive trips and the Moody Garden project.  I have served the club as a BOD member, VP, PRES, Trip Coordinator and Treasurer.   I have been fortunate enough to obtain the MOTY (member of the year), Novice POTY (Photographer of the Year), Advanced POTY and the Lifetime Achievement awards.


My most favorite dive location will always be the next one but the most fun dive trip I remember is the HUPS-2008 BALI trip.  Raja Ampat , Truk Lagoon and Lembeh Strait are the places where I constantly think about returning for another trip.  And even though I have been on dive trips all over the world, the best ones have always been with other HUPS members.


Currently I shoot with a canon 7d and two strobes.  Wide angle is my passion and one of these days I will get the hang of it.  Examples of my photography can be found on my website:  




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