David McCracken
I specialize in 3D graphic software programs used in the offshore and aerospace industries. I’ve worked across the United States, Paris, London, Norway, Romania and Luanda, Angola. Industries I have worked in include residential architecture, commercial architecture, shipbuilding, aerospace and the oil and gas sector.
I’m originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I left for Southern California in the early 80’s and started diving in 1986.
I shoot a Nikon D7000 in a Nauticam Housing with two Inon Z-240 strobes. The lenses I use are a Nikon 60mm macro and a Tokina 10-17.
Trips I have been on include, Raja Ampat, Cozumel, twice to Socorro Islands, and twice to Little Cayman. I love everything about the Socorro Island’s trip; so far it is my favorite dive adventure.
I joined HUPS in 2012.